Finding Hope and Recovery in the Horse Show World

Alcoholism and addiction are pervasive issues that affect millions of people across the country, and the equestrian community is no exception. It's essential to shed light on these challenges and offer support to those who may be struggling. Lyn Pedersen, an accomplished rider and a beacon of hope, has a powerful message to share.

Having been in the saddle since the age of 10, Pedersen has not only excelled in the competitive riding world but has also battled her own demons of addiction. With 24 years of sobriety under her belt, she has dedicated her life to helping others find their path to recovery while still enjoying their passion for riding.

In a recent interview with The Plaid Horse, Pedersen emphasizes that addiction can hijack a person's logic and perception, leading to denial and making it difficult to seek help. Whether someone is unsure if their drinking or drug use is problematic, curious about their options, or ready to address their addictions, Pedersen is there to provide guidance and support. Her work as a sober coach, intensive case manager, and interventionist ensures that individuals have a safe space to ask questions and explore their journey to sobriety.

The equestrian world often intertwines with a culture that includes drinking and partying, making it challenging for individuals to recognize when their substance use crosses the line from recreational to problematic. Pedersen, drawing from her own experiences, encourages riders to reflect on their behavior and consider seeking help if drinking or drug use begins to cause problems in their lives.

Growing up in a family affected by alcoholism, Pedersen understands the weight of expectations and the struggles that come with not feeling good enough. Her personal turning point came when she recognized her addiction and sought treatment, surrendering herself to the fight for recovery.

Now sober, Pedersen is not only a successful rider but also a dedicated advocate for others. With a Master's degree in Social Work and a Certification in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment, she has developed her own style of intervention based on compassion and empathy. Pedersen's goal is to help individuals break free from denial, embrace treatment, and overcome the barriers that stand in the way of recovery.

Recovery looks different for everyone, and Pedersen wants individuals to know that a sober life can be filled with joy and fulfillment. Sobriety has given her the gift of being present in the moment, experiencing authentic emotions, and enjoying the spiritual connection she has with every horse she rides. Pedersen's gratitude for her life shines through as she helps others navigate their own journeys toward a better, sober life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction in the horse show world, there is hope. Pedersen's work is confidential and discreet, and she is available to offer guidance and support.


The Plaidcast