HIPAA Policy

This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for complying with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to ensure the confidentiality, security, and privacy of Protected Health Information (PHI) within Lyn Pedersen Recovery & Interventions (LPRI). This policy aims to establish a framework for safeguarding sensitive patient information and maintaining compliance with HIPAA regulations.

PHI Protection:

All individuals with access to PHI shall handle this information with the utmost care and only for authorized purposes.

PHI should not be disclosed to unauthorized individuals, whether inside or outside the organization, without appropriate authorization.

Security Measures:

Physical, technical, and administrative safeguards shall be implemented to protect PHI from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Encryption, access controls, and password protection shall be employed to secure electronic PHI (ePHI).

Minimum Necessary Standard:

Access to PHI shall be restricted to the minimum necessary for authorized tasks. Workforce members shall refrain from accessing or disclosing more PHI than required to perform their duties.

Training and Awareness:

All individuals who handle PHI shall receive training on HIPAA regulations, security protocols, and their responsibilities in safeguarding PHI.

Regular awareness programs shall be conducted to educate the workforce on potential risks, privacy considerations, and evolving HIPAA guidelines.

In the event of a breach, LPRI shall follow the required procedures for notifying affected individuals, regulatory authorities.

Business Associate Agreements:

When engaging third-party vendors, contractors, or business associates who may have access to PHI, LPRI shall establish and maintain appropriate business associate agreements that outline the responsibilities for safeguarding PHI.

Record Retention:

PHI and related records shall be retained for the period specified by HIPAA regulations and applicable state laws. Proper disposal methods shall be used when records are no longer needed.


Non-compliance with this policy, HIPAA regulations, or any related laws may result in disciplinary action, legal consequences, or sanctions. All individuals within LPRI shall be held accountable for their actions concerning PHI.

Review and Revision:

This HIPAA policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing regulations. Updates and revisions shall be made as necessary to maintain compliance and the security of PHI.

 How your organization may use and disclose protected health information about an individual. For example if a client were to fall ill and require hospitalization, or if someone were a potential threat to themself or others.

2. The individual’s rights with respect to the information and how the individual may exercise these rights, including how the individual may complain to the covered  entity. Such rights might include a client's right to inspect, copy, change, or remove their protected health information.

3. Your organization’s legal duties with respect to the information, including a statement that the covered entity is required by law to maintain the privacy of protected health information. 

4. Whom individuals can contact for further information about your company’s privacy policies. 

Any questions should be directed to lynpedersenrecovery@gmail.com